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29 February 2012

The State of Ireland 2012 from Engineers Ireland

A review of infrastructure in Ireland

Ireland’s energy infrastructure challenges – report

Engineers Ireland has brought out its analysis of Ireland’s energy infrastructure. According to the body, Ireland’s energy infrastructure in Ireland has served the country well up to now, but it is now facing significant challenges, including security of supply, competitiveness and meeting carbon emission targets. - Silicon Republic

Derry's Peace Bridge takes planning award - Commercial Property, Business - Independent.ie

The iconic Peace Bridge in Derry/Londonderry has taken the top prize in the National Planning Awards. - Commercial Property, Business - Independent.ie

Apple expected to unveil iPad 3

APPLE IS expected to unveil the third generation of its best-selling iPad tablet computer at an event in San Francisco next week. - Irish Times

Engineers Week

Engineers Week - 27th February - 4th March.

Engineers call for technology universities in Ireland

Some 73pc engineers believe Ireland needs technology universities, a survey from Engineers Ireland has revealed. And, of the 1,200 engineers who were surveyed, 73pc said they believed funding for third-level education institutions should be performance-based. - Silicon Republic

ConstructionCast from McGraw-Hill Construction

ArchitecturalRecord.com: Daily Headlines

ENR.com: Construction Cost Indexes