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08 November 2011

Measuring the impacts of sustainable energy projects

Serve Conference - 18th November.

Passive House open days this week.

Passive House Association of Ireland news.

Look, no driver! Google's car of the future is here - Technology, Business - Independent.ie

It's late and you're tired. You've to drive to the shops, then pick up the kids before battling rush-hour traffic to get home. No problem! Simply get into your driverless car, input your destination and sit back and enjoy the ride. - Technology, Business - Independent.ie

Researchers fool Facebook site

RESEARCHERS AT a Canadian university have designed computer programs they say are capable of infiltrating social networks such as Facebook with the purpose of stealing private user data. - Irish Times.

It did not take long for the backlash against Steve Jobs to begin

OPINION: The speed with which Steve the Saint stories morphed into Steve the Sinner stories is striking - Irish Times.

Nokia hopes to make smart move count

The Finnish giant has teamed up with Microsoft in a move that will shake up the smartphone industry, writes RICHARD GILLIS - Irish Times.

Irish architects ride out the storm

With a radically reduced number of projects at home, Irish architects are struggling to make ends meet, but by making waves abroad, the industry can make it through the rough times - Irish Times.

Just the job at Christmas

It’s the most expensive time of the year, but the run-up to Christmas also has plenty of opportunities for short-term work, from Santa’s elves to selling wares at markets - Irish Times.

ConstructionCast from McGraw-Hill Construction

ArchitecturalRecord.com: Daily Headlines

ENR.com: Construction Cost Indexes